Monday, July 7, 2008

Aunt Janet Band - CL Gala 7.5.08

I had never seen the Aunt Janet Band and finally got a chance to see them. They had a very diversified song list and I really liked hearing some of these songs I hadn't heard in a while. I kind of like the departure from the obvious that most of the other bands do. They were good players and Janet was a very good singer and front person. This was a professional band and an entertaining band and it was a shame there weren't more people there for them. It was the time slot they drew and it was freakin hot out. I don't even think the parade was over yet when they were playing.

My understanding is that Janet also does an acoustic thing that I'd like to check out as well. The band members certainly carried their own and there was some good singing outside of Janet as well. That's a good thing because some variety in the vocals can be a big thing. Hearing the same vocal all night can get a bit monotonous, especially if the vocalist has some weird little quick that irritates you. No weird quirks here. Good sound all around.

And the good sound all around also applies to B&B Productions. There is no other outfit that does as good a job as these guys do. Always a good mix!

See Aunt Janet's web site at

Find a date you can make and go see them here in McHenry County.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

psh, no posts in a while!